Board for Horses

Brookhill Farm stall boards horses for clients who reside or work in the area and for clients who live in another region or State.  We have a total of twenty four (24) stalls.  Eighteen (18) stalls are in three (3) separate barns and six (6) stalls are in three (3) double stall run in sheds with outdoor exercise areas.  The stalls come in different sizes, 10’ x 12’, 12’ x 12’ and 12’ x 14’.  The horses are wormed monthly at no additional cost to the client as part of the health and biosecurity program. 


The barns are equipped with tack rooms for the boarders, wash racks with hot and cold running water, feed rooms with feed charts and turn out boards, a lounge, rest room with shower, horse laundry room.  The tack rooms provide one space for each boarded horse’s saddle and bridle.  Some clients do board multiple horses here.  The barns are adjacent to several grass turn out paddocks.  We also have paddocks for the overweight ponies and horses to bring their weight back to normal before founder. 

We have very few open stalls available at any given time due to the low turn over rate.  Students who attended UVA and professionals in the area have opted to leave their horse at Brookhill Farm while pursuing their careers in another region or State.  It speaks volumes to the level of confidence the clients have in our ability to care for their horse. 


Turn out:  Horses are provided  eight (8) to twelve (12) hours of turn out when the weather is accommodating.  Summer turn out is in the evening when the sun sets and the insects are not as hateful.  Winter turn out is opposite to avoid the cold weather.  Horses are blanketed with client provided blankets when the weather dictates the need. 

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Hay and feed.  We feed twice a day and feed the supplements provided by the owner.  Feed is by Purina, a partner of Brookhill Farm.  We have Purina Ultium, Strategy and Outlast brands.  We settled on these feeds after an extensive study performed by Purina at our farm with the goal of enhancing the performance of the competition horses and lowering the stress and stomach ulcers due to stress.  To learn more, go to Purina’s website for horse feed and supplements.Horse Feed & Supplements l Purina (


We also participate with Twydil USA and their products Twydil “S” and Twydil “C” to reduce stomach ulcers and increase performance.  To learn more go to TwydilUSA website for more information:

TWYDIL® | Horse Supplements & Feed Additives – Official USA Distributor (

We provide high quality mixed orchard grass mix hay in square and round bales.  The horses that need more nutrition can be fed alfalfa hay obtained in the Shenandoah Valley.  Horses are provided a generous quantity of hay at least twice a day.  Skinny horses come to Brookhill Farm, none leave that way!

Vet care:  Old Dominion Vet Clinic which serves our facility has five (5) or more vets available to care for the horses.  One or more of the principal owners is a vet for the Olympic team.  This gives an extraordinary access to expertise in the field.  Vets are on call 24/7 for farm emergencies.  Your horse will never be without the best care it deserves.   In addition, we have Blue Ridge Equine Emergency hospital within a 30 minute drive and Virginia Tech Equine hospital within a 90 minute drive.  We have the transportation on site almost 24/7 to get your horse to the hospital if required.  We have a strong passion for the horses and treat them like our family. 

Farrier Service:  We offer three (3) or more farriers to provide the foot care your horse needs from trail riding toshow jumping at the  “A” show circuit.  The farriers have a combined experience of over a hundred years and have served as the backbone of the program as advisors to proper foot care to achieve extraordinary results.  Shoes are available in steel, aluminum, steel and aluminum with pads.  Steel shoes with studs, and steel with borium(otherwise known as tungsten carbide product) are used for competitive trail riding.


Insurance:  Our recommended insurance provider is Central Virginia Insurance Agency.  Jenifer Oliver is our insurance representative.  We have many of our business owned horses and client owned horse at our farm insured with CVIA.  We have established a long track record with Jennifer at CVIA having been a client of hers for years.  We can not sing her praises enough and she has earned our highest level of endorsement for integrity and trust, going above and beyond the call of duty, and providing sound advice on insurance for horses.If you need insurance or want to shop insurance rates, contact Jennifer.  To learn more, go to their website or contact Jennifer.

Contact information:

Central Virginia Insurance Agency

605 S. Main Steet

Culpeper, VA 22701

Office:  (540) 825-2400

Contact Us | Central Virginia Insurance.

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Lesson plans and packages are also available for purchase at discounted rates.