Looking for a unique way for your child to spend their summer break? Brookhill Farm Summer Camps are a great opportunity for children to build confidence, learn new skills, and make new friends in a safe and welcoming environment. These camps are geared toward the young rider with a passion for everything horses. If your child talks about nothing other than horses and wants to sleep in the barn with horses, this is the right camp. Campers learn about horse care, horse safety, tacking and untacking, barn care, all in addition to horseback riding. Camp is conducted rain or shine.
Camp Dates:
June 24-27
July 8-11
August 5-8
August 19-22
Camp is 4 days running from Tuesday through Friday, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. Late pickups can be pre-arranged. Four riders per session on average with a limit of six. Ages 7-15 unless otherwise approved by the head trainer.
Cost: Camp is $780, $200 non-refundable deposit. Bring a packed lunch and a water bottle. Wear long pants and a shoe or boot with a heel. We do have boots and helmets to loan. Checks are the preferred payment since they are not charged fees.
Make check payable to:
BHF Incorporated
2067 Scottsville Road
Charlottesville< VA 22902
Make reservations by sending an email request to : mark.brookhillfarm@gmail.com
List the first and last name, for both child(ren) and parent or guardian, phone number, childs age, and riding experience. Experience should be no experience, beginner, intermediate of advanced.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mark by cell phone, text or email.
Cell: (434) 906-3489, email: mark.brookhillfarm@gmail.com
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