Associate Member Show
April 6 Judge: Alisa Berry
June 8 Judge: Edee Mcgregor
July 13 Judge: Davera Ackenbom
August 17 Judge: Erin Grampp
September 28 Judge: Jenn Fessler
8:30 AM
(Ring will be open for schooling until 8:00 am)
Show Manager/Course Designer: Stephen Bickers
Show Information: 434-906-8378
Email: stephen.s.bickers@gmail.com
Secretary: Drew Perkins
Please pre-enter at horseshowsonline.com
Brookhill Farm Inc
2067 Scottsville Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Phone: 434-906-5049
Email: Lynne.brookhillfarm@gmail.com
CALIFORNIA WARM UP: One unjudged round per horse – will run all day, time permitting. May be discontinued at any time at management’s discretion. Per VHSA rules, any pony competing in the pony divisions must be ridden by a junior in the warm up as well.
SMALL/MEDIUM PONY HUNTER: Open to small ponies, not to exceed 12.2h, and medium ponies, over 12.2h but not to exceed 13.2h, ridden by juniors. Small pony fences to be 2′. Medium pony fences to be 2’3″. This division may be combined with the Large Pony Hunter Division if there are fewer than 4 entries.
LARGE PONY HUNTER: Open to ponies, over 13.2h not to exceed 14.2h, ridden by juniors. Fences to be 2’6″. This division may be combined with the Small/Medium Pony Hunter Division if there are fewer than 4 entries.
VHSA/BHSA ASSOCIATES PONY EQUITATION CLASS: Open to juniors mounted on ponies. The judge may select at least one-fourth of the class to show at a walk, trot, and canter and to perform additional tests at the judge’s discretion. The rider must be a member of the respective association or the points will not count towards the Associate year-end Championships. Small – 2′, Medium-2’3″, Large 2’6″.
PONY HUNTER PLEASURE: Open to ponies ridden by a junior.
JUNIOR HUNTER PLEASURE HORSE: Open to horses ridden by a junior.
ADULT HUNTER PLEASURE HORSE: Open to horses ridden by an adult.
SHORT STIRRUP HUNTER: Open to horses and ponies ridden by children 12 years and under. Fences 18″. Cross entry by horse/pony or rider to other VHSA recognized divisions limited to Pleasure Horse or Pony and Equitation on the flat only.
SHORT STIRRUP EQUITATION: Open to riders 12 and under. Fences 18″. May not cross enter into any classes that have fences higher than 18″.
SCHOOLING HUNTER: Open to horses and ponies. Adults may ride ponies not entered in a Pony division. Fences 2’6″ or 3′.
LOW HUNTER: Fences 2′. Open to all horses and ponies. No restrictions on riders.
CHILDREN’S/ADULT AMATEUR HUNTER: Open to horses only shown by juniors or amateurs. Fences 2’6″ or 3′. Will be split if entries warrant.
VHSA/BHSA ASSOCIATES CHILDREN’S/JUNIOR EQUITATION: Open to juniors mounted on horses. The judge may select at least one- fourth of the class to show at a walk, trot, and canter and to perform additional tests at the judge’s discretion. The rider must be a member of the respective association, or the points will not count towards the Associate year-end Championships. Fences 2’6″, or 3′.
VHSA/BHSA ASSOCIATES ADULT EQUITATION: Open to Amateurs mounted on horses. Same specs as Children’s/Junior Equitation class.
VHSA/BHSA JUNIOR EQUITATION ON THE FLAT: Open to junior riders who have not reached their 18th birthday as of Dec 1st. To be shown at a walk, trot, and canter both ways of the ring. Judged on position, control, and guidance. USEF tests 1-19 may be used. A minimum of 3 entries are required to fill this class. If there are fewer than 3 entries, the class will be combined with the VHSA/BHSA Adult Equitation on the Flat Class.
VHSA/BHSA ADULT EQUITATION ON THE FLAT: Same specs as for the BHSA/VHSA Junior Equitation on the Flat Class, except open to adult amateur riders 18 years of age and older.
VHSA MEDALS – Fences 3′. Riders must be VHSA members and must show their membership cards. Adults must have a USEF amateur card and show that as well. These classes each require 3 entries who must complete the course, and they can be combined.
GREEN HUNTER: Open to horses only in their first or second year of showing over fences at 2’6″. Judged on performance, manners, and way of going. Fences 2’6″ or 3′. No cross entry between height sections.
WORKING HUNTER: Open to horses. Judged on performance, manners, and way of going. Fences 3′, 3’3″ or 3″6″, Rider’s option.
THOROUGHBRED HUNTER: Open to registered Thoroughbreds or horses eligible for registration. Fences 2’6″ or 3′.
LEADLINE: Open to riders 7 years and younger. Class will be judged 50% equitation and 50% suitability of mount. Riders may not cross enter into any class that requires trotting.
PRE-SHORT STIRRUP EQUITATION: Open to riders 10 years and younger. May not cross enter into any class that requires showing at the canter, or jumping.
GREEN PONY HUNTER: Open to ponies in their first year of showing over fences over regulation heights.
LIMIT RIDER HUNTER: Open to horses and ponies ridden by Jr/Adult Amateurs who are not entered into any classes jumping 2’6″ or higher. Fences 2′ or 2’3″.
For latest news and updated