We care for your horses – Horse boarding services

Horseback riding is a great outdoor activity. You are out and about in nature and enjoying the day with a friendly horse. There are so many reasons why horseback riding is a must for everyone. We will have a look at a few of them here.

Continuous Learning

When you are with your horse, you will always be learning and having fun while never being bored. Horseback riding classes can be fresh and exciting, as well as nerve-racking. You will be instructed on how to take proper care of your horse. You will also learn what and how to feed them throughout the year. When to contact a veterinarian is also part of the training.  


Horse riding is great exercise. You might assume that the horse is the one doing all the work, but that is far from reality. Even before you start riding the horse, you need to prepare the horse for the ride. This involves you brushing the horse, saddling, and cleaning its hooves. Saddling a horse is a tedious activity. While riding you are an active participant and expend a lot of energy. After you finish riding, you have to unsaddle the horse and get them to cool down. All of this might seem like nothing but can be exhausting once you are done.

Problem Solving

Dealing with horses can be time-consuming and difficult. Every horse is unique and has its own personality. Each horse has a unique relationship with humans, and being at ease around them might take some time. Some don’t like to be ridden, whereas some are very moody. Learning and resolving the problems of your horse is a never-ending process, and you will learn to overcome them with finesse.

Building Rapport and Coordination

It is essential for people of all ages to learn how to improve their coordination and rapport with the horse. Learning to ride a horse takes a lot of stamina and power. The key requirement, though, is coordination, as you will be controlling a large animal. You must coordinate the reins, leg cues, and noises you make so that the horse understands the command and behaves accordingly.

Interested in taking horseback riding lessons in Charlottesville? Choose Brookhill Farm for horseback riding lessons. We have a full equestrian center and offer the best customer service available. We also offer a horse boarding facility in Charlottesville. We provide an established, safe atmosphere for both our customers and the horses. If you are interested in starting horseback riding lessons or want to go trail riding at our stables, please contact us today.


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